While building csvw in github repo, it throws the following error:
**`ValueError: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96 from C header, got 88 from PyObject`**
Dataset meta object
Okfn data pkg JSON
We've done some work towards a CSV-W validator called [csvw-check](https://github.com/GSS-Cogs/csvw-check/) which is designed along the lines of [csvlint](https://github.com/Data-Liberation-Front/csvl…
Do we need to access iteration and reference identifiers from within the RML mapping?
(distancing this from https://github.com/kg-construct/mapping-challenges/issues/6, as they can be about differe…
The `.json` outputs don't include a CSVW `@context` and should.
I think the tool creates this now, so suspect they just need to be regenerated.
As a researcher working with tabular data, I want to be able to define the columns (description, data-type, valid values/ranges, etc.), so that I can provide a structured data dictionary.
Hello @jamesdensmore,
Thanks for the great book! I've gone through some parts and wondered whether the usage of the 'with' context manager when opening files does not make the close statement redun…
It's a tricky thing to associate the nanopublication produced by the converter with the original author information of the CSVW schema file.
In principle, any author information in the schema is auth…
Currently, there is no "iri" column generated for identification of resources. This is similar to #94 , only for CSV. It also needs to be discussed with @sstenchlak because it is regarding the overall…
Hi the CSVProcessor assumes a different enconding than UTF-8 when reading cells: [CSVProcessor.java#L72](https://github.com/RMLio/RML-Processor/blob/ab26dac414692b3235164b271b376304869225ca/src/main…