I was trying to run STAR-fusion with the below versions:
STAR 2.7.6a
STAR-Fusion 1.9.1
Is there a particular CTAT resource I should use? or a different version of STAR or STAR-fusion to make…
I am currently running this pipeline on multiple samples, most of them run fine with few problem with cravat we just fixed.
Have seen for some of the samples at the Annotate BLAT ED step the annotat…
Hi developers,
After I install STAR and STAR-fusion (v1.6.0) by conda, I used prep_genome_lib.pl to construct all the lib files:
prep_genome_lib.pl --genome_fa GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.chr_onl…
I'm using these instructions [here](https://github.com/NCIP/ctat-genome-lib-builder/wiki/Building-a-Custom-CTAT-Genome-Lib) to try and create a custom genome lib. I initially ran into an iss…
Hello Brian,
I tried passing the `--intervals` parameter from the GATK HaplotypeCaller to the `--HC_xtra_args` parameter that ctat-mutations provides.
I saw in the logs that this parameter is correc…
I'm trying to build the CTAT genome library for gencode version 19 and GRCh37 (StarFv1.3) using singularity, but get the following error.
Unable to open ref_annot.cdsplus.fa: No such fi…
We succesfully implemented CTAT-splicing in our STAR-fusion pipeline.
**1) we pick up all our relevant fusion genes using STARfusion**
**2) we correctly picked up METx14del,** without fal…
The Docker container tutorial isn't working for me. I successfully ran:
`docker run --rm -it -v `pwd `:/data trinityctat/ctatfusion:latest bash`
Once the container was pulled, I successfully ran…
I am trying to run star fusion with versions:
**Star-fusion:** 1.9.1
**STAR:** STAR/2.7.3a
**CTAT version:** __genome_libs_StarFv1.9/GRCh37_gencode_v19_CTAT_lib_Apr032020/ctat_genome_lib_build…
I would like to (try to) contribute a bioconda recipe for `ctat-genome-lib-builder`, but there has never been a release. Have you considered making one?