The CVS repo at http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ (and https://alioth.debian.org/scm/?group_id=100815) is not available due to connection timeout.
P.S. Do you accept contributions?
In [6]: b = Add(QUInt(4)).controlled()
In [7]: query_costs(b, [QECGatesCost()])
{Controlled(subbloq=ArbitraryClifford(n=2), ctrl_spec=CtrlSpec(qdtypes=(QBit(),), cvs=(array(1),)))…
## Describe the bug
@jfkok installed the locked version, then it wouldn't run.
## Failing Test
Any test would fail.
## Expected behavior
The code imports
## Screenshots
## System
URN resolution service: currently we have no resolver, platform is already in place
laisse le \n a la fin de la station (et de la ligne ?)
laisse des espaces à la en debut de chaine de cararctère ?
Where is train.cvs ?
We currently have, for *each CV* in the Feed page, 3 API calls. This means, we have 3*(amount of cvs in viewport) requests each time (let's say 6, as per the current CVS_PER_PAGE number). Meaning 18 c…
# Overview
The "Download CV" button exists, but no events occur when the button is pressed, so a function to download my CV should be implemented.
However, the download authority needs to be carefu…
I get an error I don't understand when trying to print a TComplexity with symbolic parameters. Here is a minimal example:
from sympy import Symbol
import cirq
from qualtran.bloqs.mcmt im…
There is the following example in the config:
-- modify list of files to ignore when indexing the project:
config.ignore_files = {
-- folders
"^%.svn/", "^%.git/", "^%.hg/", "^CVS/",…