### What happened?
When compiling CLIP Text Encoder 1 ([stable_diffusion_xl_base_1_0_64_fp16_clip_1.mlir](https://storage.googleapis.com/shark-public/ean/sdxl-turbine/stable_diffusion_xl_base_1_0_64_…
Hi, attempting to run XBOXONESBT.ino results in this error message:
Xbox uetooth Library Started
BTD ConfigureDevice
BTD Init
Xbox One S Bluetooth Library Started
BTD ConfigureDevice
When compiling the example below with:
iree-compile conv_generic_pack.mlir -o /dev/null --iree-hal-target-backends=llvm-cpu --iree-input-type=none --iree-llvmcpu-target-triple=x86_64-unknown…
func.func @unpack(%arg0: tensor) -> tensor {
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor
%unpack = tensor.unpack %arg0 outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [2, 64] into %0 : …
During the tuning phase, we observed invalid config as follows
module attributes {dlti.target_system_spec = #dlti.target_system_spec} {
func.func @entry(%arg0: tensor, %arg1: tensor) -> ten…
Try this code
`from harvesters.core import Harvester, ImageAcquirer
h = Harvester()
h.add_file(r"C:\\Users\\SGL\\Desktop\\MATRIX VISION\\mvIMPACT Acquire\\bin\\x64\\mvGenTLProducer.cti")
IREE at ToM currently can fuse softmax into a single dispatch under the `--iree-flow-enable-aggresive-fusion`. (https://github.com/iree-org/iree/blob/5de1a38f6eb8b8e4bfbba05d8b29246e968747a3/tests/e2e…
Протухла ссылка на статью о Write-only ЯП: https://github.com/yurii-litvinov/courses/blob/fc6698abc502515d8c13e2fadf58a7a80d076bef/software-technology/01-software-engineering/01-software-engineering-t…
I have a problem with ILI9488 similar to the one described in #35. I am using ILI9488 through waveshare's board: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Pico-ResTouch-LCD-3.5.
For some reason (pro…
Hi all,
I am having a white screen issue.
I first tried the Rainbow screen example - no avail.
Then the Read-Write diagnostic
can't seem to figure it out.
IDE: Arduino IDE
Library Vrsn: 2.5.…