1. 리액트 관련 컴포넌트는 통상적으로 `react-` 접두어를 붙이는데, 이를 따르는 것이 어떨까요?
- 예) https://devarchy.com/react
2. webviewer 모든 기능이 아니므로 client/renderer/component 등의 키워드를 추가하면 좋을 것 같습니다.
- (실제 서버/클라이언트 통합 저장소명으로 w…
Add ids to each section, so that we can bookmark any section. like `http://devarchy.com/react-components#data-table`
### Progress
Minimum implementation; (in order)
- [x] Turn categories into needs for the React catalog.
- [x] Remove sidebar and instead add a list of needs in the main view. (See sketch.)
Add a large central search box on the landing page https://devarchy.com/ to search across all catalogs.
Thumbs up this if you want this feature.
Super easy and lightweight transitions animation library for React.
This is really good text editor.
I would like to add a library to the list at devarchy.com, but it is impossibe because there is still no npm package for it.
The github repo is:
FYI - I've requested to add this library to http://devarchy.com/react-components under the "Map" section. I'm not sure how that list works, but seems like it requires a certain amount of up votes? If …
You don't mention ant design at all. It is very nice: http://ant.design/
I'm the author of [awesome-react-components](https://github.com/brillout/awesome-react-components) and I published [awesome-angular-components](https://github.com/brillout/awesome-angular-components) …