你好,我运行`sh tools/dist_train.sh projects/configs/co_dino_vit/co_dino_5scale_vit_large_coco.py 1`时,会如下错误,我看之前也有人报这个错,请问这个问题如何解决?谢谢
Should I train dino with pretrain = False, or pretrain = True?
![Screenshot 2024-02-13 09-47-31](https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Saturn_MiSTer/assets/117416952/4cc65ad1-b40b-4341-8bb8-65baa336b696)
Dino Island has an issue where the text boxes to select your c…
Interesting work! Could you please release code for CustomDiff and DINO ?
is there a way to export the Grounding DINO part to ONNX?
For the file [instruction_generation.ipynb](https://github.com/Wangyixinxin/MMedAgent/blob/main/instruction_generation.ipynb), what's the file "dino_final_v2_d7.json"? And what should it contain? What…
### Describe the bug
Link to SWF: http://www.kidszzanggame.com/minigame/swf/400.swf
Loading [Dino Robot Adventure](http://www.kidszzanggame.com/d/player.html?game_id=400&flag=minigame) (다이노로봇 어드…
Hey there, congrats for the excellent work!
I have some questions about incorporating the GIoU-aware Classification Loss into DINO, Is this loss be applied to dn_aux_loss also or the original aux …
I am interested in utilizing your work for a project. So, the actual use include training to a custom dataset and using the model to infer masks afterwards. I couldn't find any direct information rega…