In the [proposed appearance:base improvements for ``](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9799), we want to support the use case of rendering the full DOM contents of the currently selected `` into …
When copying a DOM object, following line fails:
`child[i] = _clone(parent[i], depth - 1);` https://github.com/pvorb/clone/blob/e3f252d1eb24f4e269337098295604e266719d4d/clone.js#L156
dragula([container1,container2], {
direction: 'horizontal',
copy: function(el, source) {
return source === container1
accepts: function(el, target) {…
### Link to the code that reproduces this issue
### To Reproduce
1. Clone https://github.com/samstr/shadcn-formstatus-demo
2. npm install
3. npm r…
Spec: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#media-resource
The `videoTracks` attribute of a media element must, per the [spec](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/media.html#dom-media-videotra…
I discovered, that the error handling of DOM objects in PHP is pretty stupid:
If eg. during the `buildSourceForXlfFile` method an error occurs, the resource pointer of the `DOMDocument` gets an empty…
### Use case: description, code
Repo: https://github.com/indraraj26/dom-to-image-test
1. clone repo
2. npm i
3. open index.html
### Expected behavior
It should t…
### Steps to reproduce
[Link to live example](https://github.com/o-alexandrov/material-ui-pigment-css-vite-ts)
1. Clone
2. Refer to `vite.config.ts`
### Current behavior
### Bug reports:
html2canvas is used in my react project and there is unexpected gray background in the exported images.
The problem seems to be in knockout-sortable.js line 124:
moveItem(itemVM, removeOperation.collection, addOperation.collection, addOperation.event.clone, addOperation.event);