Just putting this on your radar, performance could be further improved for this library if you decided to include Postgres specific extensions.
Telephone service which allows bot to dial. This was inspired from @MikeG complaining his inmoov doesn't dial someone when it says it will.
References :
- https://dzone.com/articles/jtapi-hands…
Information on setting up a sharded cluster (here)[https://dzone.com/articles/composing-a-sharded-mongodb-on-docker]
The web app should only be accessible to authenticated users by default.
Take a look here: http://java.dzone.com/articles/understanding-web-security
I have good article to add in your list about reconciliation for data consistency
Or if you have other article on reconcili…
### 插件版本号 | Version
### 平台 | Platform
### 浏览器 | Browsers
### 插件类型 | Extension Type
浏览器插件 | Browser Extension
### 请描述这个Bug | Describe the bug
User Rules不生效
### 出现问题的网址 | U…
Dołożenie AngularJS do projektu zgodnie z tutorialem ze strony dzone.com wymaga zmiany struktury projektu i nie wiadomo jak to zrobić
Из названия теста должно быть понятно, что тестируется. Приписывать Test просто к названию метода - частая, но порочная практика.
Я обычно использую следующий паттерн - whenЧто-тоReturnЧто-то, или…
Make a proper shell based on our plain CLI functionality.
See also:
* http:/…
Add at least a few simple end-to-end tests. Use `spectron` to check the electron app.
See .
Investigate whether taking snapshots () and testing with `shutter.sh` makes sense.