It would bring my mind a lot of ease to have some somewhat reliable ent-to-end testing. This would ideally cover the extension itself, as well as WebLN interactions. Currently I'm looking at Cypress, …
This task covers the development of a test suite within a test harness that can be executed regularly to ensure that the protocol and other services all work as expected when it comes to high-level, …
In the theme of "automating everything before I graduate", I'd like to set up at least some basic end-to-end testing to prevent code being pushed that compiles successfully but breaks a fundamental us…
## Describe the feature
I'm the author of [api-testing](https://github.com/LinuxSuRen/api-testing) which is an API testing tool. It seems that no e2e testing in this project. I'd be happy to implemen…
Before the openning of the Karathuru public
As a user
I want to navigate to the public page of Karathuru and pay with different erc-20
In order to buy shares of the Karathuru…
### Implementation of End to End Testing
Learn about `e2e` testing in Angular and try to implement the same