It is very interesting approach to data analysis to use complex machine learning models for exploratory data analysis.
There are some works that tries to make tree ensembles interpretable by extrac…
**Python Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition**
**Key Features**
- Second edition of the bestselling book on Machine Learni…
### Title
Neural Spiking Ensembles: Dynamics of Representational Geometry
### Leaders
Richard Song: @richardwsong
### Collaborators
Ken Rahman: @RahmanKF22
Sam Abbaspoor: @SAbbaspoor
## 💥 Proposal
Hello, I am Siddhant Dutta - I am a GSSOC'23 Contributor. This is my resume - [Resume](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iRPv-76FDxEyo-7QdmxDp3le7DEabK-Q/view?usp=sharing)
# Introdu…
I am currently experiencing an issue with the `triton-inference-server/tensorrt_backend` while trying to run a Baichuan model.
### Description
I have set `gpt_model_type=inflight_fused…
J. Read, B. Pfahringer, G. Holmes, E. Frank, Classifier chains for multi-label classification, in: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Machine Learning, 2009, pp. 254–269.
Ensembles of clas…
# Distilling a Random Forest to a single DecisionTree - Machine Learning Blog
On HackerNews there was a topic discussed at some point about ways to distil knowledge from a complex (almost black box) …
### Contact Details
### Is your content request related to a problem you've encountered during your research process? Please describe.
To construct a more comprehen…
In terms of functionality, the mid-term end goal is to achieve an offering of ML algorithms and pre-processing routines comparable to what is currently available in Python's [`scikit-learn`](https://s…
### Details:
Convert the tensorflow ANN model to tf-lite so that it runs on a microcontroller.
Investigate the deployment of the tf-lite model to an Arduino or any other supported microcontroller.