MWE (PR: https://github.com/JuliaGPU/AMDGPU.jl/pull/668):
using AMDGPU
using EnzymeCore, Enzyme
function square_kernel!(x)
i = workitemIdx().x
x[i] *= x[i]
#### Current behavior:
25 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Starch and sucrose metabolism`
| Gene| UniProtID | Reaction| GPR | Correlation| Man…
I don't know where to begin for troubleshooting or making a minimal example. Or for a more specific title. First time trying Enzyme.
I changed the Flux `train!` function from:
(f, tt, world, typeof(f)) = (Enzyme.Compiler.add_one_in_place, Tuple{Any}, 0x000000000000683a, typeof(Enzyme.Compiler.add_one_in_place))
[1] methodinstance
@ ~…
using Random: randn
using Enzyme: Enzyme
using Turing: Turing
Turing.@model function MvDirichletWithManualAccumulation(w, doc)
β ~ Turing…
is generating this error on all tests:
TypeError: ModuleMocker is not a constructor
jest-environment-node-debug work a little better in my case but fai…
Opening to keep track of the problem in #150
@benjaminfaber can you see what the new bug is for your MWE?
using ImplicitDifferentiation
using Enzyme
using ComponentArrays
I will generate an MWE in the morning. Testing out FNOs (https://github.com/SciML/NeuralOperators.jl/pull/52) with #245
julia> ∇fno_compiled = @compile ∇fno(fno, ps, st, x)
error: FFT/IFFT/…
I'd like to consider this library to support my interaction with ipopt. For that to work I need the gradient, Jacobian, and hessian of functions with respect to the optimisation variable or variables.…
julia> f(x) = sum(x)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> x = Hermitian(randn(2,2))
2×2 Hermitian{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}:
0.656689 -0.377647
-0.377647 -0.505356