Goal for 1.33: Have at least 5 extensions using esbuild to bundle. Get feedback from CTI on if any bugs were created, get feedback from devs on productivity improvements.
## Components…
Vue switched to sass "compileString" method instead of "renderSync" which breaks esbuild vue transpilation as soon as a style block with ` lang="scss"` is present in an SFC.
Just installed the extension but it gives me this error message.
VSCode Version: 1.94.2
Windows: 24H2 (Not running on WSL)
You installed esbuild for another platform than the one you're current…
I'm using Nx + angular 18 which supports esbuild by default for new project, though I've read Angular doesn't expose esbuild options.
Large existing project (came from ng16 and webpack) which has som…
esbuild-jest を試してみる。
Esbuild seems to fail to resolve [`vike-react/config`](https://github.com/vikejs/vike-react/blob/d74324b668eb569af355fba7f8c044be7ffb9451/packages/vike-react/package.json#L24) for some macOS users. Th…
### Before submitting your bug report
- [X] I believe this is a bug. I'll try to join the [Continue Discord](https://discord.gg/NWtdYexhMs) for questions
- [x] I'm not able to find an [open issue]…
I know cross file constant folding is not supported since that only happens in the first stage where esbuild optimizes each file separately and links them later. I'm openning this issue just to notify…
我去掉了target 里面的 ie11 ,但是build仍然报错