Okay so basically,
Using the ./add command returns the following error
~/hookey$ ./add "eu4" "home/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV"
bash: ./add: /bin/zsh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory…
In vic3 (and I suspect in other games) if you scope inside a logical operate scope (such as OR) it will default back to AND. A somewhat common mistake I see is this:
Where the modder wants to do a …
I guess all podcasts hosted on podigee.io have an issue with mygpo. After using the command feed-downloader for podigee urls on my self-hosted gpodder-server I get no image of the podcast.
I get th…
Such a feature does _not_ seem supported yet in-game, but we may override the locs of the hub names.
A configurable would be used as such:
`link = { state = STATE_ISTRIA homeland = croatian city =…
Such a feature does not seem supported yet in-game, but we may override the locs of the hub names _and_ of the state name.
A configurable would be used as such:
`link = { state = STATE_NEW_YORK co…
A scenario should be coded of an entirely "uncivilized" world. This scenario would be used as a base, overwritten with the actual owners and pops and cores.
This empty scenario is meant to take car…
This solves the issue of HPM not giving cores on any land, even stuff not cored by default from eu4, otherwise the land will be occupied territories which more often than not won't make sense.
Can …