We have a problem with Netgen Enhanced Selection Bundle in AdminUI (Ibexa 4.6.12/ netgen bundle 5.2.2).
We can't remove an option.
And we can't neither add an option (clicking AddOption butto…
**Output of `docker version`:**
Version: 1.12.0
API version: 1.24
Go version: go1.6.3
Git commit: 8eab29e
Built: Thu Jul 28 22:11:10 2016
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
bundling the vendor folder in the repo is a security risk: it creates routine huge chore `composer update` commits that are basically *impossible to code-review*, if a developer want to hide a backdoo…
it should create temporary files inside `~/tmp` not `/tmp`
that result in permission denied:
The command "'unzip' '-qq' '-o' '/tmp/php_security_advisories.zip' '-d' '/tmp/php_security_adv…
lors du fetch certaines fiches remontent des problèmes sur la classification:
23-09-03 12:31:21 INFO - full uri : https://doris.ffessm.fr/api/ezx/v1/object/1250?oauth_token=ebff16ecc49042e15790…
Got an error on a dependency :
In DefinitionErrorExceptionPass.php line 54:
Create a new package for example content object export
and do all steps until export to file
=> this is broken
- vendor/zetacomponents/archive/src/file/block_file.php
sizeof(): Argument …
Call to a member function unserializeContentClassAttribute() on null in /home/se7enx/web/doc/vh/rar/rar/ezpublish_legacy/kernel/classes/packagehandlers/ezcontentclass/ezcontentclasspackagehand…
I've followed installation instructions, and there's an error during installation with command:
`composer create-project netgen/media-site`
Executing script cache:clear [KO]
Script cache:c…