#### User Story
As a data analyst in a gov office, I want to be able to extract and hand-off geographic data aggregated in your tool so that we or the people we are assisting can perform other fu…
When loading the model I get that some model weight are not initialized, is this expected?
from alignscore import AlignScore
scorer = AlignScore(model='roberta-large', batch_size=1, ck…
For example, we should really link to [Ron Campbell's article](https://source.opennews.org/en-US/learning/pushing-hot-buttons-censusgov/) from our [migration topic page](http://censusreporter.org/topi…
You use a "Logger"-Class without any namespace. This is very bad style for an external library and will break many projects (as it does with mine).
The aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria are just the top of the iceberg. Puerto Rico’s demographic challenge started years before due to a $74 billion debt crisis which has devastat…
### PHP Version
### Shopware Version
### Plugin Version
### Actual behaviour
We are using FactFinder Search Engine
This error appers when go to some factfinder search resu…
@alanjosephwilliams's idea.
He sent over email — BLUF is census data (use income to estimate eligible households) overlaid with EBT locations data federally.
This analysis might exist already, so wo…
We want a title of Version 2 to be descriptive of the desired additional functionality. It should improve on Version 1 in the following ways:
1. Descriptive title
2. Add some sort of incremental f…
~In PFF production, the row count for Y2006-2010 _demographic_ data is 380,411:~
~`select count(dataset) from demographic where dataset = 'Y2006-2010';`~
~However, in EDM's database, the count f…
It's become clear that the Census Bureau uses seven characters for prefixes to make geoids globally unique, where we've used five.
I finally found the format articulated, in [this pdf](http://factfin…