I am using WebRTC Group File Sharing using RTCDataChannel APIs.
My problem is that by default it uses firebase for signaling but I want to use my local sip server like Office Sip Server for signaling.…
If you have something usefull, you can share here.
Create File Sharing intent for .sb3 file and make Meraki open .sb3 files available on a device.
CAN WE ADD file sharing between 2 peers in this project? if yes please help me to implement it
Currently, we only support text-based(text, action) messages. Although we can easily support file sharing via putting files into hyperdrive. There're some concerns:
* The performance impact of stor…
Can share file or multiple files
Do a similar sharing system to Sharefest.me (https://github.com/Peer5/Sharefest)
This library is awesome, I was stuck creating a P2P chat with no middle servers and any other softwares, it never worked with sockets, it was a huge problem, also I was using NSD for device discovery,…
is it possible to add file sharing between two peer? if yes, kindly help me with that
Hello, every time I share a file that was created using an excel custom add-in if a person doesn't have access to that addin it still try to instal it in their machine. is there any way to prevent tha…