Veracode Software Composition Analysis
Attribute | Details
| --- | --- |
Library | Spring Web
Description | Spring Web
Language | JAVA
Vulnerability | S…
Without CSRF, it is possible create a hidden form like this one:
then submit it on any user click, on the page where the form is, log in and cash out.
Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF)
[axios](https://www.npmjs.com/package/axios) is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
Affected versions of this package are vul…
Veracode Software Composition Analysis
Attribute | Details
| --- | --- |
Library | Spring Web
Description | Spring Web
Language | JAVA
Vulnerability | S…
according rfc8446
>Note that if DTLS is run over UDP, then any
implementation which does this will be extremely susceptible to
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks because UDP forgery is so easy…
I am using sitecore-xm1-sxa-1.9.0-cm:9.2.0-windowsservercore and tried creating a test Form. I get errors that the anti-forgery cookie is not present. I seem to recall having similar issues with EXM.
Axios Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-wf5p-g6vw-rhxx
Fixed in https://github.com/axios/axios/releases/tag/v0.28.0
Any chance to update?
### qBittorrent & operating system versions
installed two days ago
running on docker
webui on Brave browser
### What is the problem?
I set it up, logged into web UI, changed password.
Snyk and npm audit are complaining about a security vulnerability with the `node-strava-v3` package dependencies, the `request` package. This vulnerability has been catalogued by Snyk with the identif…
Luen updated
8 months ago
### Which Umbraco version are you using? (Please write the *exact* version, example: 10.1.0)
v11-v13 (latest)
### Bug summary
We've noticed lately that there's some kind of issue with the bac…