With the recent addition of about thirty files in the repository, it's getting a bit long. Is it possible to organize it, for instance by putting the files *frege\*.svg (or all the *.svg files) in a s…
Pizza (Is a java dialect)
There are a lot more, since everybody specifies his own programming language nowadays xD (Even I).
-comments Generate commented Java code. This makes code generation substantially slower, but can be useful at times.
-nowarn Not recommended. Sup…
Dierk updated
9 years ago
Need to ensure there are no more references to it and then mark it with a pointer to the Frege organization version.
### Objective
Given a symbol table (either created through compilation or reconstructed from class-Files) and a set of function and variable names, it should be possible to derive a Java class with t…
In an attempt to compare different Map implementations, I also tried `Util.HashMap` and found that the return types of many methods are invalid in that they don't indicate the possibiliy of `null` s…
Will frege be available to be downloaded for Linux as package? It would be really nice if it appear at least on AUR or as .deb / .rpm file
It appears that the Frege plugin for Gradle fails when using JDK 12:
* Exception is:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaBasePlugin.configureForSourceSet(Lorg/gradle/api/tas…
Is there a use for those instances (and similar `Free` instances)?
instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup (f (Cofree f a))) => Semigroup (Cofree f a) where
(a :< as) (b :< bs) = (a b) :<…
Since the sonatype and equivalent approaches are too much work, I tried to get https://jitpack.io/docs/ working, i.e. with every github release, one can immediately fetch the release from the jitpack.…
Dierk updated
4 years ago