I'm still trying to solve my issues with ZSim scaling way too optimistically on irregular graph algorithms (e.g. BFS on Galois 2.2.1 with rmat4 input). Unfortunately, tweaking sim.phaseLength didn't h…
I was looking at the matrix group example of @joschmitt & @ulthiel. I boiled it down to the following example for finite matrix groups:
julia> k = GF(3)
Galois field with characteristic 3
I tried to run the software per `supplementary.pdf`, but I get this on the most recent M2 1.23:
i4 : load("example-2111_1-numerical.m2")
--loading configuration for package "NumericalA…
Consider this:
I propose to start more gently, with words, and to say that a subgroup of G is a monomorphism from a group to G. After that, to introduce the type of subgroups, but using "being a m…
Hey Sam,
I wanted to migrate to PVS 7 today, but the pre-built sbcl binary fails with the following messages in `*pvs*`, so the front-end comes crashing down.
Starting pvs-sbclisp --noinfor…
Here is our definition of "field".
Definition invpair (X:monoid) (x:X) := Σ x':X, ( x' * x = 1 ) × ( x * x' = 1 ).
Definition multinvpair ( X : rig ) ( x : X ) := invpair ( rigmultmonoid X ) x .
Havard Damm-Johnsen has SageMath code (https://github.com/havarddj/drawspec) to draw the spectrum of the ring of integers of a number field. This could be a nice thing to display on our number field …
This ticket proposes micro optimizations for small permutation
groups. The rationale is to handle the situation where we have
billions of combinatorial objects and need to run through their
This paper [1] has a much faster more precise algorithm than the one in Sage for accomplishing the following sort of thing:
sage: E = EllipticCurve('147b1')
sage: E.galois_representation().non_…
The libraries of small, primitive and transitive groups which previously were an integral part of ⪆ were split into three separate packages:
- [PrimgGrp](http://gap-packages.github.io/primgrp/)