Hey, I was going through your project and could not find the product smart contract could you please provide it? Thank you and you did great on this.
Occurs on both Windows and Ubuntu. Just attempting to test out the base package by running:
npm install
npm run download.metamask.dev
npm start
I get the error:
Web3 is not d…
I ran my local Ganache with eth quickstart, and setup a truffle project with this minimal test smart contract. As I understand, the ganache run the local network with chain-id equals to 1337. (I got m…
Hi, Parv
I am getting the Network not detected error upon opening the DAPP.
const tokenData = Token.networks[networkId];
if (tokenData) {
const tokenContract = await new web3.eth.Contract(T…
使用到的工具或资源:Hardhat,Truffle,MetaMask,ganache-cli, graph-node
预计交付内容:Uniswap V2 swap功能,流动性挖矿,治理,行情等移植文档教程,Uniswap移植前端代码…
Id npm i, after truffle compile, truffle migrate --reset and npm start and when create product I've got erorr :+1:
49 | cre…
Metamask is planning to update cryptography to new, audited libraries aka `noble-crypto`. Ganache (metamask dep) still uses `secp256k1` and a few other projects, which haven't passed a security audit.…
Reportedly _(it has yet to be proven)_, when staking your max amount of tokens on a Motion, the staking transaction fails gas estimation.
Keep in mind that this report came in from a colony that us…
I'm opening this issue as suggested by @rekmarks: https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/9827#issuecomment-767098953
MetaMask comes with a `localhost:8545` network, typically used fo…
Hi, I get you solution and run buy tokens in web.
It has error below,
Please check for me