first of all many thanks for having created gazer: I've had the chance to try it out in the past and it seemed to be a perfect package for most of the eye-tracking analyses that I'm planning to…
Hi, I cannot understand how the calibration data obtained with the main.py script in the gaze-data-collection project is used in this project. In that case a .csv file is produced and the calibration …
My advisor returned from a recent conference and presented your paper in our laboratory meeting today. I've successfully installed the required libraries and am ready to run the code, but our head-mou…
## Question
Hi. I'm trying to analyze the [MIT1003 dataset](https://people.csail.mit.edu/tjudd/WherePeopleLook/index.html) and perform some processing on it. I get an error when detecting microsacc…
Your code works perfectly with your database. When I run your code on a custom video, I get the following error:
"""### Step 1: Detect and crop the eye using Dilb"""
# There are two typ…
Hi, is there a way to convert the received data (https://github.com/pperle/gaze-data-collection) to train a model from your other repository https://github.com/pperle/gaze-tracking . train.py expects …
Gaze tracking on the display
# Overview
Implement eye tracking features
## Requirements
- [ ] I can raycast an object with my eye gaze
Hey folks,
I'm wondering if this great plugin is working alongside with poly space for vision os ?
I mean by that, can I use webxr to interact with a content using my hands and eyes without contro…
The current implementation of Hosts is only compatible with BabylonJS v4 (4.2.1). When trying to use Hosts with BabylonJS 5 and later things break - like host speech animations and gaze tracking.