This worked for me and was simple, while trying to install gdal via pip etc did not, so sharing it here:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gdal-bin…
To be able to adjust the tile-coloring to the currently visible tiles I need to know which tiles are being displayed.
I could achieve this by tinkering more with gdal2tiles and make it produce a ta…
Hi, I use my DEM generate from Drone using OpenDroneMap. After that, I use gdal_warp to re-project my DSM to EPSG:3857 and transform the greyscale data into the RGB data using rio-rgbify and last st…
• GeoWebCache Bounding Box to Tile Conversion Not Working Properly (EPSG:4326)
• I am working on loading TMS and XYZ tiles from GeoServer into an OpenLayers 3 map using the EPSG:4326 projecti…
We are trying to display our custom terrain / hillshade using RGB tiles. To do so, we went through the following procedure:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -dstnodata None -novshiftgrid -co TILED=…
Currently the wrong tiles are being loaded - which I hadn't really been paying much attention to earlier, since the coloring so far have based on the right layer. This has changed now that the colorin…
Hi, I use my DEM generate from Drone using OpenDroneMap. After that, I use gdal_warp to re-project my DSM to EPSG:3857 and transform the greyscale data into the RGB data using rio-rgbify and last st…
Hi, I would like to advice. I use my DEM generate from Drone using OpenDroneMap. After that, I use gdal_warp to re-project my DSM to EPSG:3857 and transform the greyscale data into the RGB data using…
I have gdal with gdal2tile, gdal V2.4.1 installed on Centos 7.
I used to tile images of 5MB with resolution like ~ 5000x~5000 in pixels.
Everything was OK
Now I'm starting to tile images with r…