### Name
Xavier Portilla Edo
### GitHub Handle
### Tell us about yourself
Xavier was born in Valencia, but currently living in Madrid. He has over 7 years of experience. He focuses on Cl…
Currently the app operates in a push to talk manner (also push to signal the end of talk, the native STT often times cuts the session short while I'm still speaking).
It'd be the best to have complet…
# 预告-miniblink 传奇 ~ GDG Livin ZhuHai Life;-)
珠海GDG Blogging
# DevFest19珠海-活动小结 ~ GDG Livin ZhuHai Life;-)
珠海GDG Blogging
Projetos open source pra ser desenvolvido junto com a comunidade. Deixe abaixo sugestões para iniciar projetos.
# 珠的自白:21 每天写代码 ~ GDG Livin ZhuHai Life;-)
珠海GDG Blogging
**Titulo**: GDG Fortaleza Meetup Fim de Ano #ByteGirl
**Data**: sábado, 16 de dezembro de 2017 - 09:00 até 12:00
**Local**: Joy Fab Lab - Rua Monsenhor Bruno, 927 A - Meireles · Fortaleza
For the Angular side of things, it seems like the focus and momentum is with https://github.com/AngularCommunity/community-website. We haven't been able to attract any non-GDG Angular contributors to …
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] There are no existing issues.
### Bug description
I built the dev branch and accidentally ran it on ZOAU 1.3.0 when the minimum is 1.3.1, is this anyt…
这个功能其实是为GDG设计的. GDG现在有一个计划叫: 图书漂流. 目的就是以GDG的名义买一些书, 然后供大家借阅, 同时分享读书心得, 促进大家提高技能.
1. 有图书录入功能, 需要录入的字段有: 图书名称, 图书URL(一般附上介绍该图书的豆瓣地址即可)
2. 图书借阅功能. 可以将图书借给某人(必须是注册会员)
3. 图书归还功能, 看完的书可以还回来.
4. 列表功…