I tried a lot of times install this project following the steps in README.md, but i always get the following error, when I use the command "npm run dev":
> vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trust…
- [ ] Repositório de dados, BI, e opensource (Projeto Media Lab)
- [ ] https://www.media.mit.edu/groups/collective-learning/overview/
- [ ] https://datausa.io/
I'm trying to use built-in JS form validation library but i'm quite stuck... Do anyone has documentation link?
Thanks !
I'm a bit new to coding. My question is the same as the title. I'm working on springboot+thymeleaf web project in `my pom.xml` I have this.
When calling a modal from inside another modal, on clicking on submit, all modals are closed and the back screen (fade) remains. The only way to regain control off screen is refreshing the page.
custom.js is placed in theme asset. It has been taken from **@bower/gentelella/build/js** directory, becouse there is in vendor\yiister\yii2-gentelella\assets\ThemeAsset.php stand:
`public $sourceP…
The current css code has grown in an ad hoc fashion, updating/extending it each time a new functionality was added. In some parts the layout is missing or inconsistent. The menu system is not ideal an…
For datatable-keytable how can you set the default sort to sort another column besides the first column and make it descending? So in this example sort would be on age so Garrett Winters would be in …
I noticed this laravel boilerplate differs from the basic laravel install with missing bootstrap.js and app.js files. I tried adding these files but was unable to use 'require.' How can I activate t…
Hi @jgrossi ,
I 'd like you to explain about the Auth Sharing feature of Corcel.
I 'd like to login to Laravel app using Wordpress login credentials.
But It's not working well. Laravel app is bas…