### What version of Go are you using (`go version`)?
$ go version
### Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?
### What operating system and processor archite…
version of go : `1.20.5`
version of lib sftp : `v1.13.6`
version of sftp server: `OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.6`
I sometime experiment a bug when my code close 2 times the same sftp.F…
golang 写的观察者模式
this is a redundant line
# 简介 | The book of eggos
关于这个项目 # 上大学的时候,在实验室偶然发现了一本《自己动手写操作系统》,当时我看到这本书的时候非常惊讶,因为在我的认知里面,操作系统是一个非常复杂的东西,是类似Linus那样的大神才可以掌握的魔法。随着我一点一点读完这本书,也开始了解了什么是boot
- Finish javascript book I have uploaded there.
- Deploy solidity contract on ethereum testnet with help of myetherwallet and call functions with help of myether wallet.
- User we…
When I replicated the example of direct messaging (section 5.7.5), the record is saved 2 times in mongo, after debugging I found this is caused by the statement: fs.createReadStream(videoPath).pipe(re…
[Go Gin by Example](https://github.com/EDDYCJY/go-gin-example/blob/master/README_ZH.md)
- https://github.com/apex/static
# Proposal
This issue was filed as a proposal for the removal of the `omitempty` as an option in a `relation` tag.
## Problem
### To One
Say an application had the following structs, model…