I wanted to reproduce the results of your Paper with EigenCam (Appendix C.3. Eigen-CAM Analysis) using pytorch-grad-cam lib.
However i had a problem in using the code you provided in src/comm…
I am new on this code, My question is that if i want to get the grad on the CNN layer by using register_backward_hook function. Should I remove the code "with torch.no_grad():" when training this mode…
Can I use this package with RGBD images? My custom model is a two stream network taking RGB image in one stream and depth image in the other. How can I specify input_tensor in such a case? Kindly ad…
suppose my input is five-dimensional data which includes time dimension(N,C,T,H,W). What do you call the CAM module?Or could open source the code about CAM you have adjusted, thanks a lot.
Hi, I think your research is interesting and grateful for providing the code.
I am grateful to the authors of the paper.
I saw the following visualization results in the paper.
Hello !
I am developing my master's degree dissertation and I would like to used GRAD CAM or other class activation maps to corroborate the test results of my object detection model (YOLOv4).
grayscale_cam = cam(input_tensor=input_tensor, targets=targets)
File "/home/melkor/projects/pytorch-grad-cam/pytorch_grad_cam/base_cam.py", line 188, in __call__
return self.forward(input_…
Currently, encoder-decoder models lack support for Grad-CAM (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping) visualization with cross-attention mechanisms. Grad-CAM is a valuable tool for interpreting mo…
can you please release or point me out to your code for recreating the visualizations for table 2 and table 9? Are you utilizing the OT matrix to highlight which parts of an image is being look…