I keep recieving this error when trying to download the files:
code: 500,
error: "Internal error, if the problem persists please contact repository@surf.nl"
Currently most other LDBC benchmarks offer data generator implementations that can be used/referenced, but currently graphalytics doesn't offer anything (that I can find).
The datasets involved in gr…
I want to run ldbc_graphalytics for giraph. I download the provided dirver 'graphalytics-platforms-powergraph' and build it successfully. However, when I run run_bencharmk.sh, I meet the foll…
When I run test Benchmark ,I met some exception.
> [zc@centos6 graphalytics-1.0.0-graphx-0.2-SNAPSHOT]$ ./bin/sh/run-benchmark.sh
Using HADOOP_HOME=/home/zc/dy/hadoop-2.7.7
08:30 [INFO ]…
Dependencies, such as the graphalytics-core, Granula modules, and platform jars with instrumentation code, are not easily accessible from the central maven repository. Instead, users need to build the…
I suppose "fb" refers to a Facebook-like social media graph.
But what does "zf" mean?
Context: Names of lot of datagen datasets have "fb" and "zf" as suffix. https://graphalytics.org/data…
Running `mvn clean install` yields an error building **graphalytics-platforms-default-archetype** .
**Environment info:**
- openjdk 15.0.2 2021-01-19
- Apache Maven 3.8.1
The certificate has expired. When I run `mvn clean package ` for graphx driver, I met the following probloem:
`PKIX path validation failed: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: validity ch…
The wiki of the previous (mix of Hadoop/Spark) repository had partial documentation of the user-facing parameters:
## User-facing Parameters
Users of the LDBC data generator specify configu…
I want to reproduce the result in Performance.md, but the datasets in website link https://graphalytics.org/datasets offered in Performance.md can't be download . I want to get some datasets like grap…