Dependent on https://github.com/HackGT/registration/issues/198
There's 2 warnings in the console about it:
Failed to decode downloaded font: https://live.build.hack.gt/assets/fonts/ProximaNovaRegular.otf
OTS parsing error: prep: table overruns en…
When we use camel case branch names `git ls-remote` fails and crashes the build.
We should also not let individual deployment failures crash the whole biodomes build.
Should be able to change the wording of `Sponsorship Portal` to anything else through some configuration, which could mean having a way to change this variable:
We want to know how people interact with our apps, but metrics data in every user action, see:
When signing up on `/auth/signup` I get this:
MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error collection: registration-dev.users index: username_1 dup key: { : null }
at Function.MongoError.create (…
We need a way to retrieve attending users from the registration system and import them into the check in system.
EDIT: should also be able to filter based on registration questions.
We need to delete replica sets, pods and DNS records when a deployment is no longer needed.
Needed to ease day-of check-in for HackGT 4