Hey @vaishnavisaindane! I'd like to contribute by adding the Merge Sort algorithm in C++. Could you please assign me under Hacktoberfest2022 tag?
I want to add Tower of Hanoi Problem in CPP Programs Folder for Hacktoberfest2022. Please assign me this issue.
@1dharode I wanted to add a solution for Tower of Hanoi Problem in CPP Folder for Hacktoberfest2022. Please assign me this issue.
Hey @ArnabMdev
The logo is not alligned with the main text, i would like to work …
The "cd Hacktoberfest" command needs to be changed to "cd Hacktoberfest2022"
Hey @55priya! I'd like to contribute by adding the Insertion and Selection Sort algorithms in C++. Could you please assign me under Hacktoberfest2022 label?
Cannot do the push command after commit due to unable to access 'https://github.com/fineanmol/Hacktoberfest2022.git/
I want to write code for heap sort. Please assign this issue to me under hacktoberfest2022 @dikshantrajput
Hey , I would like to add Snake and Ladder code in java . Please assign it to me as it will be my first contribution to Hacktoberfest2022 PR
Name: Ritika Chand
Title: SHA1 hashing Algo
Language: Python
- [x] Hacktoberfest2022 Participant
- [x] Contributor
Python code to hash sentences in SHA1