Are the warm water heat pumps EKHHE-PCV3 EKHHE-CV3 also supported ?
Like some online shops have for products, allow user to select up to (say) 4 heat pumps and compare them.
Heat pumps would be present as vertical columns, with stats as rows. This would show some o…
### The problem
I made 2 implementations with Overkiz:
1 bridge with Tahoma Switch that works very well
1 bridge with Hi Kumo.
I have a Yutaki Hitachi's Air-to-Water Heat Pumps
With …
[Here](https://github.com/quintel/etengine/blob/master/app/models/qernel/node_api/capacity_production.rb#L102-L119) you can see our calculation for the yearly average COP (SCOP):
![Screenshot 2022-…
Describe the feature you would like to have
I would like to have the COP printed out in the heating activation curve, subproduct of the optimization of decentralized heating systems. In the cooling c…
### The problem
It seems the heat pumps are also reporting which SG-mode they are in. This is quite helpful if you are either having a load-depending stop signal from your electrical power provider o…
See Pete's Google sheet listing capital projects [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15N_Z9GbgUpq0UJ_-6nYlB_PpjxwRY8kE/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=105515256636407248756&rtpof=true&sd=true)
Furthermore, changing an object type requires changes anywhere the object is referenced since a component is uniquely identified by both the object name and the object type.
Several examples are sh…
G'day mate!
I'm having difficulties setting up the master device in a cascading compound of two heat pumps.
![Screenshot 2024-08-01 124307](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1728896e-a7…
edes updated
2 months ago
It would be great to add support for both heating and cooling setpoints through the library. This would allow users to set an ideal temperature range which the system would try to respect.
As heat …