### Expected behavior
As a dashboard user, in order to deploy helm chart with completion/syntax checks/online documentation, I need the helm chart support in dashboard explorer to display HTML fo…
Hey team,
This is epic for our helm3 revamp support.
In [Deploy Application](https://github.com/Azure/ignite-day2-aks#deploy-application) section :
For running Helm commands we need to install Helm v2.1.6 as currently Az CLI is supporting Helm 3. Ther…
In a microk8s environment, I installed storageos cluster-operator with helm3 chart , csi enabled .
Everything runs ok , including GUI, and PVC creation.
POD's instead fails to attach - timeout …
### Related problem
Changing uid, problem with links in internal project documentation
### Suggested solution
Add a configurable uid field to the JSON definitions of Grafana dashboards
azexs updated
9 hours ago
**Please check the FAQ documentation before raising an issue**
**Describe the bug (__required__)**
使用`kubectl edit nc nebula` 修改storaged服务的config,设置`minloglevel`为1,2,3,4,均不生效,进入容器后,执行`curl n…
Getting this error message when attempting to build an image
=> ERROR [2/3] RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates --repository http://dl-3.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community/ jq cu…
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Click "Charts" or "Releases" in Apps Section
**Expected behavior*…
`kubent` fails to start if it's not executed in `${HOME}/.kube` directory:
kubent -x --helm3
11:12AM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent`
您好 请问是否有接入OpenStack,vmware环境计划?对接helm3的计划?