i'm trying to use this library for my Ingenico ICT220 but i got this error on this line:
`SaleResult res = posDevice.Sale(importo);`
"importo" is: `Int64 importo = Convert.ToInt64(100);`
Currently if we enable the "save card" alias feature, we can pay on Ogone with a card and "save it" for futur usage.
It's working, but the only concern i get each time you make an order and pay …
I am writing config in web.config and there i need to enter hostname and proxy hostname, from where i will get that?
Hola, No logro que reconozca la conexion a pos ingenico 3500 con transbank pos sdk web js - example
Lo compile con node 14.21.3, no aplique los cambios del post #33, me arroja este erro…
If customer fails to pay from first attempt the order is cancelled (including order items) with status:
Payment error, status
REJECTED : Payment error: The transaction has been rejected
when cu…
From the PR #2 I found out most of the tests uses a hard-coded merchant ID to perform the testing. I've modified the test suite to use an specific merchant ID via a parameter in the `config.js…
Bom dia, tentei de todas as formas de usar a função print, porém não consegui imprimir um arquivo de imagem, teria alguma forma explicativa de como usar esta função?
When I attempted to run your examples, I was not able to set Feedback or Page Layout data. I could only set such data if it was set before sending data. E.g. for feedback data:
``` php
Hello Support Specialists at Ingenico,
Please find attached errors on Magento 2.4.4 Bitnami installed via composer require command
2 exception(s):
Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\Exception\Locali…
The connection to the device (RP457 A) does not work in the latest versions, including v2.4.0021363000.
When calling the method (searchAndConnect), it does not find the device. If you select the met…