Thank you very much for sharing these solutions!
One small thing I noticed: It seems that some of these programs would benefit from using `phrase_from_file/2` which is available in `library(pio)`. …
Note that predicates are never overridden, so the problem may be in the predicate visibility rules.
:- module(a, [foo/1]).
:- module(b, [foo/1]).
I am filing this as an HTTP issue because this is where I have found a case that is easy to reproduce, and it is also where this issue affects me most. This may of course be due to a more general unde…
The predicate [**`crypto_n_random_bytes/2`**](http://eu.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc_for?object=crypto_n_random_bytes/2) contains in its PlDoc description the following fragment:
% With this defini…
Currently the interpreter fails to load external libraries. eg :-include("csv.pl"). or use_module(library(csv)).
Any help is deeply appreciated.
$ swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 9.3.0-17-g4d781a64e)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for …
I would like to introduce DSM-CC Object Carousel support for tsduck. I have created DSM-CC engine in the past. Submitting this issue for upvotes if you are interested.
Main features:
- Generate r…
Noticed that one of the Logtalk `self_vs_super` example tests is failing. This failure exposes a bug in the Trealla Prolog implementation of the `predicate_property/2` built-in predicate:
merge_options/3 can leave duplicates in the merged list:
?- merge_options([foo(x)], [bar(aaa), foo(y), foo(z), zot(a)], Merged),
dict_options(Dict, Merged),
select_option(foo(Foo), Mer…
Hello @mthom! Would it be possible to compile and run scryer as a WebAssembly binary? I worked some time ago on SWI-Prolog WebAssembly port but it turned out to be rather difficult due to:
- Clib/P…