Request Description: Improve the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) experience to make it more intuitive, less confusing, and less prone to user error.
Expected behaviour:
Implement fuzzy/wildcard sea…
This issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github
# Bugzilla Bug 821
Date: 2010-01-26T13:24:19+01:00
From: Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen <>
To: Ciprian Gerstenberger <>
CC: borre.gaup…
im running under opengl on intel hd 4000 with the phdgd ivydrive custom drivers. i havent used this pc in a while but after updating raze this started happening so im assuming its a raze problem. so f…
Jeg har problemer med yaml når feilen er en del av en større COERROR, men det likevel bare er et ord som er feil.
I eksemplet nedenfor skal `diehtám` bli `diede`, dette finner også `echo " Dån itt…
### Enter the URL of the blocklist's raw file
I have the following shinyalert() call:
shinyalert(title = "", #The header
className = "infoPopUps",
immediate = TRUE,
animation = TRUE,
I have yet to check them for dead domains and false positives. I'll do so in a few hours if you'v…
[24.08.2023 12:09:22] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
[24.08.2023 12:09:22] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
Simple question? Jaliborc are you no longer updating or servicing Bagnon? If no can someone that is in the mod community please take this over or let someone takeover this addon to update?
**Running Software (issues missing this information will be deleted):**
- Addon version:
- Server patch: [e.g. Build]
**Have you read the changelog? (please don't waste our time)**…