Hi, i appreciate this library becoz it seems similar to jetpack lifecycle, navigation and viewmodels libraries from android. But i just wanted to check that does it support url paths and web browser h…
I want to use this library using jetpack compose. How to do that
# What is Jetpack Compose?
Jetpack Compose is a brand-new declarative UI framework for Android development.
# Declarative UIs everywhere
The advent of declarative UI has changed how we design…
### Description
I have a test for some code in Jetpack compose, including a "androidx.compose.foundation.text.ClickableText"
My ClickableText has its text attribute set to an AnnotatedString which c…
In this project we use beta version of jetpack compose and now compose is stable.
we need to update compose and other library.
Hello , I'm using the voyager library with kodein with jetpack multiplateform and i need to handle the back gesture like i was doing it in jetpack compose with
` BackHandler {}`
I tried with :
Deprecated per https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/an-update-on-jetpack-compose-accompanist-libraries-august-2023-ac4cbbf059f1
Dear Sir
I modify gradle let AS 4.0.X~4.2.X stable version support Jetpack Compose 20b9065
but lost some var /val /fun
can help fix it ?
The scrollbar for Android currently has two issues that I've noticed:
1) If a podcast has 100s of episodes, the scrollbar gets extremely small. This is the issue reported in #5496542-zen
2) The s…
Greetings, how to apply clustering in Android Jetpack Compose Kotlin with the Google Map Compose Library + Google Maps Compose Utils to place URL images of the Markers in the ClusterItemContent, I hav…