### JTS
Java Transaction Service(Java事务服务)拓扑套件,是一种能够利用清楚精确的模型和强大的几何计算来实现一套核心空间数据操作的JAVA api。
### 计算空间关系
- 相等(Equals):几何形状拓扑上相等;
This set of linework:
MULTILINESTRING ((0 20, 8 20), (8 20, 20 20, 24 10, 11 10), (11 10, 4 10, 0 20), (8 20, 11 10), (11 10, 12 8, -4 10, 0 20))
produces the following result for a `Polyg…
Hi everyone,
I have a small application that I'm using to verify if geojson files are correct. also checked with https://geojsonlint.com/
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
changelog file
model file
Was just going through some of the source when I noticed in [this package and its classes](https://github.com/Geomatys/geotoolkit/tree/master/modules/processing/geotk-processing/src/main/java/org/geot…
jts has changed to org.locationtech.jts, can you please update your dependency also. Needs changes in the code aswell because package name has changed, too.
Talend DI 5.2.0
TOS 5.2.1
tOracleInput required jts-1.9.jar ... instead of jts-1.12.jar
First reported in [Shapely #1623](https://github.com/shapely/shapely/issues/1623).
Given `a.wkt`:
POLYGON ((11174.451451065055 13710.473363871335, -14730.97396732842 -5570.416909945428, -24…
There is one warning
"This function does not work on GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs."
in the documentation:
But according to :
Listed here
but missing from
mem48 updated
3 years ago