Thanks for your work!
Hope you can help.
_A clear and concise description of what the bug is._
When I try to send a message I get the error:
> Pusher error: cURL error 7: F…
Hi and thank for great work
Laravue Version --> 6.2
laravel-websocket --> 1.8
laravel-echo --> 1.8.1
pusher-php-server --> 4.1.3
pusher-js --> 4.4.0
vue-echo --> 1.0.2
i should to use web…
i am getting `GET 404 (Not Found)` error.
your laravel version in 5.6 and i am using laravel version 5.8. laravel developers have removed the assets file and they m…
Im currently working with nuxt/laravel-echo. I want to use encrypted channels and can see that it is not included in the basic pusher.js and you have to explicitly implement Pusher with it. Where can …
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Yes, laravel Echo now requires a manditory 'cluster' option, is this option ignored by soketi? The option is required with Laravel 1…
Hi, I have this error on web push with laravel 9. Please help me
TypeError: get_object_vars(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type object, array given in /home/.../vendor/pusher/pusher-php-server/s…
Hello everyone,
this package seems abandonned to me. Am i correct in assuming this?
Chinloyal is not reachable and has not closed a ticket since august.
I'm using Pusher with Laravel, for my React Native application. I set up authorization route in my laravel like so:
public static function authPusher(Request $request) {
There are several existing ionic cloud push libraries. Here are some and there merits.
- [dmitrovskiy/ionic-push-php](https://github.com/dmitrovskiy/ionic-push-php)
One main class takes array of de…
Estou testando o Laravel Echo com o Broadcasting do Laravel, e funcionou bem. Mas não encontrei nenhuma maneira de enviar dados ao Laravel, apenas de receber.
## Problema Encontrado