### Main programming language
### Tutorial title
Learn Go with a Simple Server
### Tutorial URL
### Category
* [ ] 3D Renderer
* [ ] BitTorrent C…
1. What version of Go and cronsun version are you using?
我用的go1.9,安装了etcd3.3.使用了最新的cronsun。用go get命令安装的
2. What operating system and processor architecture are you using (`go env`)?
操作系统为macos 架…
### Issue Type
Fix formatting of code after bullet list item
### Language
Global issue
In Pointers and reference types lesson there is invalid formatting of code after the bullet list item…
At the end of `Dockerfile` is a `:qa` , which causes `make docker` to fail.
See: https://github.com/thewondertwins/learngo/blob/master/Dockerfile#L21
## 安更换Golang1.8版本遇到的小问题以及解决方式
搭建Ubuntu Go语言环境
This link https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/files/learngo.go redirects to French version, not English.
On the main page at http://learnxinyminutes.com/ Julia is listed twice as though there were two different languages. The first instance is Julia/ru, the second is Julia/en.
Also, the Julia/en page…