### LVGL version
### What happened?
I am trying to build v9.0.0 with the music demo, and I have added "Arudino.h" / "avr/pgmspace.h" to use my PROGMEM and EXTMEM marcos to put big constant a…
### What is your question?
Hey guys,
I'm using conan to create a package of my 3rd party (lvgl).
lvgl is a cmake project which creates multiple targets
add_library(lvgl ${SOURCES})
### LVGL version
### What happened?
Good afternoon, and thanks for your effort in designing such an awesome graphics library!
I'm trying to run the benchmark demo in V9, and I'm gettin…
### Introduce the problem
I noticed that in LVGL V9's lv_conf.h, the LV_USE_SJPG configuration is no longer available and has been replaced by LV_USE_TJPGD. Additionally, there is no sjpg in the li…
### LVGL version
### What happened?
When compiling which latest MSVC 17 I'm getting lots of syntax errors.` (Unexpected ")")`
For Example
=>this evalutates to
## environment
- compiler version: GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors 7-2018-q3-update
- os version: ubuntu 18.04 amd64
- python version: 3.5 or 3.6
- build target: STM32F769-DISCOVERY
- build…
I have an [ESP32_8048S070C ](https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005005612035811.html)
also [info](https://esp3d.io/esp3d-tft/v1.x/hardware/sunton-7-8048/index.html)
setup board from the readme
Great job on putting this together, so I was very hopeful when I started with this library. However, I have the 4.3inch version of the 800x480 display instead with a capacitive touch screen. Th…
This may not be the correct forum for this problem but it is similar to Issue #163, where jasta couldn't find string.h.
I am trying to build esp32s3 app with lv-binding-rs but I am getting errors.
### Answers checklist.
- [X] I have read the documentation [ESP-IDF Programming Guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/) and the issue is not addressed there.
- [X] I have updat…