@cmsd2 Started work on a multithreaded, asynchronous connection to Mesos. I'm not sure how far he got. Add Async to code.
Hi, newbie here!
This might be silly. I was trying to use mesos.relay for autoscaling purposes, but it show that "Mesos native bindings are not installed". Could you help me out?
We have a custom work_dir set via configuration management:
root@mesos-slave2-qa-sf:~# cat /etc/mesos-slave/work_dir
the `mesos` package includes this file:
I would love to use labels in Chronos jobs.
Sadly the current job definition don`t support labels.
It would be cool if this labels can just be transported to mesos.
- https://mesos.apache.org/doc…
Hi experts,
Currently I run 10 mesos-slaves on ubuntu-trusty using latest deb package(version 0.28.0-2.0.16)
# I installed and configured "mesos" package by using ansible role (https://github.com/A…
Could you add an example playbook for a mesos slave?
These are great.
Thanks very much!
Hi everyone,
We're running a Kafka Connect container v4.0.0 on Kubernetes and so far no problems.
Yesterday evening for no reason `/etc/confluent/docker/mesos-setup.sh` gets executed and causes th…
Creating a one day hands on workshop similar to the existing Docker one, but focused on Mesos. It should include:
- Overview/History of Mesos
- Difference from Docker and Kuberneties
Demos of:
- Depl…
Need details in https://github.com/javaee-samples/docker-java/blob/master/chapters/docker-mesos.adoc
@kensipe might be able to help here.