From looking into ES's metaspace usage the other day ...
Currently, just firing up a default Elasticsearch node that has no repositories configured, one can see that both the Azure and the S3 repo…
Issue Type: Bug Report
* Write the following environmental information.
* OS version: Ubuntu 22.04
* Java version: 1.8
* Embulk version: 0.10.41
The embulk proc…
- java虚拟机
- jvm的工作原理、层次结构和GC算法:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000002579346
- 关键字:Heap, Method Area, java stack, native method area, PC, 双亲委派模型,Eden,S0,S1,O,Perm
- Metaspace:java8移…
Hey, guys. I want to report an issue of `Metaspace OOM` running this SQL:
SELECT ARRAY['content'] as keys, MAP(ARRAY['A`contented'], ARRAY[ARRAY[1, 2]]) as mvalues
) t1
JVM 参数章节 [jvm-parameters-intro.md: L98](https://github.com/Snailclimb/JavaGuide/blob/main/docs/java/jvm/jvm-parameters-intro.md?plain=1#L98) 中提到:
-XX:MetaspaceSize=N #设置 Metaspace 的初始(和最小大…
使用如下工具类 AviatorUtilsDemo将表达式编译后的字节流(bytes[])结果存入redis,然后取出反序列化报错
`2024-08-22 17:00:02.770 [http-nio-8083-exec-2] ERROR com.xxx.RestExceptionHandler:23 - org.springframew…
This issue replaces https://github.com/artefactual-labs/am-packbuild/issues/184.
**Expected behaviour**
Our package should include sane defaults to avoid out-of-memory errors in standard environme…
Our http-kit-backed web services are using more and more native memory as time goes by. The memory used is categorized as "Other" by jcmd [Native Memory Tracking](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javas…
### Lagom Version (2.5.x / etc)
### Operating System (Ubuntu 15.10 / MacOS 10.10 / Windows 10)
Mac OS 10.11.6
Darwin tmoore-macbook-pro.local 15.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0…
### Your use case
This would highlight that metaspaces are "different", especially considering they cannot be moved around like normal spaces.
I'm recommending something akin to how discord does i…