somebody experienced an empty window when opening the gui?
(using linux mint 64 , tried both cinnamom and xfce)
Is it possible to limit CPU usage when running mm3d (under linux) ? I tried to decrease the value :
NBRP = 4
make -j $ NBRP
during compilation (in script_jenkins_unix.sh) bu…
I have successfully compiled with qt and installed micmac on my Mac Mojave 10.14.16 (see below). However when I try to run SaisieAppuisInitQT it starts but fails by being stuck at 100% loading …
Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like new commits are done directly to the master, right?
Should not every change be done via PRs, tested and reviewed, and only then merged? It somehow feels as…
J'utilise actuellement MicMac et l'interface Cerema pour un stage. Mes données sont des vidéos, que j'aimerai séquencer pour mes modèles. Ainsi, j'ai installé et associé "ffmpeg" à l'interf…
vSaisieAppuisInitQT renvoie un message d'erreur dans une fenêtre :
> [vSaisieAppuisInitQT] is not a valid command!!!
> valid commands are:
> SaisieAppuisInitQT
> SaisieAppu…
Some forum thread ask about usage of algorithm (parameters) but these one are not available in wiki/doc like :
- Ero,
- Eros,
- DroneFootPrint,
- Malt : DEMInitIMG and DEMInitXML,
- May be other…
Des retours font part du fait que le terme "divers" peut être "déresponsabilisant"
une suggestion : renommer la catégorie "divers" en "**consommation hors alimentation**"
I just started to use micmac and followed the tutorial and struggling with the step:
mm3d SaisieMasqQT AperiCloud_House.ply
I can open the ply-File with Meshlab.
mm3d SaisieMasqQT AperiCloud_…
Seems like a recurring use case for some users.