Hi. I am using django-htmlmin to pre-minify my html templates before rendering them on-line.
I prefer to pre-minifying my templates instead of minifying the rendered html each time the server is rende…
ET-CS updated
9 years ago
crunch2 - On clicking the crunch icon less file is compiled and given as CSS file but the css file is not minified. Is there any option to minify css file.
Sourcemaps are essential for being able to read and debug minified Javascript code: http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/introduction-source-maps
There should be an option to generate one when minifying with…
Can anybody help me with adding terser to the rollup plugins for minifying ?
I was wondering if someone could give me some instructions on how to run the tests and the minify process.
I have a page which includes custom CSS in the header which is not getting minified. Also, there seems to be a few issues with `` and ` > `. Am I missing something to turn this on?
I've attached a …
I'm quite new to using `gulp-imagemin`. I don't have any issues with minifying `SVGs`, but I've noticed that when it comes to `.jpg` and `.png` files, the images appear corrupted after running …
✅ This CSS minifies correctly:
var css = """
.someClass > * {
width:calc(50% - (10px / 2));
var minified = NUglify.Uglify.Css(css).Code;
I was making some inline edits of the plugin installed in `node_modules`, and it would be easier to test package patches in the future if the bundle wasn't minified https://tsup.egoist.dev/#minify-out…