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Executing the following program crash:
(run 2 (q)
(z/ `(declare-const ,q Int))
(== q 6))
Exception in call-z3: error in z3 out.smt > out.txt
(declare-const 6…
This model is non-centered: https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc4/blob/7b144fa5be8b3b3f7e5ea9e9f3222988ab60a87f/notebooks/radon_hierarchical.ipynb
Would be great to see symbolic-pymc applied on this e…
I have a program using `redex-check` that looks like
> (redex-check
#:satisfying (type-infer · · e A)
(redex-match? BoxyEvalL v (term (eval e)))
`eval_if_etuple` does not work when naively evaluating etuplized random variables. Let us consider the following model:
import aesara.tensor as at
from etuples import etuple, etuplize
rlouf updated
2 years ago
## Description
- Even with the official Jupyter scipy-based image ([jupyter/scipy\-notebook](https://jupyter-docker-stacks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/selecting.html#jupyter-scipy-notebook)), th…
(run^ 1 (lambda (q) (fresh () (booleano q) (=/= q #f) (=/= q #t))))
'((_.0 where (or (=/= _.0 #t)) (or (=/= _.0 #f)) (typeo _.0 boolean)))
Hi. Love this project, thank you for building and sharing it! I started studying source code and noticed that Type Interference has been removed after version 0.4.0? I'm curious about the reason behin…
An issue arises when reifying meta tensors that are intended to be new to a TF graph, because a tensor with an unspecified name value is currently set—by default—to its `OpDef`s name. Thi…
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