Historically the AVR builds of the toolchain have had their libstdc++ disabled. This meant that the AVR arduino core has had to fill in some gaps (e.g. `new` and `delete`), and other libraries (such a…
Some AVR unittests are failing, which is troubling.
I'm executing these tests on a AT90CAN128, with 4kB RAM.
The tests have to be split up into several chunks or they won't fit into the Flash.
After upgrading `arm-none-eabi-newlib` from `4.3.0` => `4.4.0`, I encounter a lot of linker issues, e.g., when building the example in #1146
`getentropy is not implemented`
I'm currently [updating the I2C peripheral information](https://github.com/chris-durand/modm-devices/blob/c8b0848b752fe751bd4c2d3fd6889d124e445ba1/tools/generator/dfg/stm32/stm_peripherals.py). On som…
"error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `for fn(wtftw::window_manager::WindowManager, Rc std::result::Result {wtftw::handlers::default::restart} as FnOnce>::Output == wtftw::window_manager::WindowManag…
Hi everyone.
thanks for the good tool collection.
I would like to know if there is still someone working on the lib?
The last commit was 2yr ago.
Are there any future plans like updating the doc…
Is there any interest in having enumerated values for GPIO alt functions that describe the actual function? For example, instead of setting AFRL/AFRH fields to AF1-AF16, values like TIM2_CH1 could be …
Past9 updated
4 years ago
I have integrated erpc into our embedded platform (modm + arm) and successfully ported the matrix_multiplication example.
It seems to me (correct me if Im wrong) that the client has to bl…
On I2cMaster::reset there is no actual reset of the I2C peripheral.
If there are some connectivity problems with I2C lines, this could lead, that no event is generated, transaction is not finished an…