Thanks for providing this useful information. I’m new in object tracking but I already know many enough for object detection (single input image). Can you provide information, e.g., which are t…
I encountered an issue while trying to reproduce the experiment in training the Re-ID model. I found that in fast-reid, it seems that nothing inside .
When an active route changes due to changes in the traffic situation, the user is currently not made aware of this.
If the change affects the next maneuver (i.e. the user is diverted off the curren…
@nwojke Hello, I run evaluation motchallenge. py of deepsort, generate TXT file, and then how do I evaluate the result?
Thanks for your error report and we appreciate it a lot.
1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
2. The bug has not been fixed in the latest version.
Could you explain more details about the training data that you provided? For example, how they are created or replicated? What's in MOT17Det, MOT17Labels, MOT_eval_gt folders?
Hi, thanks for your great work.
Some questions regarding the annotation format: In the main paper, you claimed that there are 10 columns
> The ground truth and detections are stored in their own s…
when running MOT_cross_validation.m, I had one problem.
This error is:
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in CLEAR_MOT_HUN (line 45)
[~, ~, ic] = unique(gtMat(:,2));
Error in evaluateTrac…