Hi there,
Is there anyway I can derive or prove if a single signer is part of the group of signers on-chain without having the whole group sign, i.e. through the public key or a signature proof?
After reading through the current draft, I'd like to bring to your attention the concept of Bitcoin Vaults, which hasn't received much focus so far but that I believe might be interesting to discuss i…
Pushing a script into a Script is a very common step that we need to do in wrapper segwit. sh(wsh), sh(wpkh). Here is how I had to do it in rust-miniscript.
+use bitcoin::script::{PushByte…
Updated from 1.1.1d to the latest version 1.1.1g and had a build error on macOS 10.8 for the 64-bit crypto library. I rolled back to 1.1.1e and reproduced the build error, while 1.1.1d builds success…
**Chapter 1: Discovery of Bitcoin**
In fifth grade, young Anthony found,
A whitepaper that would astound.
Bitcoin's secrets, deep and vast,
A future shaped by cryptographic past.
Tdhun updated
1 month ago
# 深入了解Ed25519
都知道Ed25519是一种比较新的椭圆曲线签名方案,相比ECDSA,也就是基于传统 Weierstrass形式的椭圆曲线(secp256r1 secp256k1)的签名方案,它综合对比下来是要好上不少的。它是EdDSA方案的一种实现之一。
[Inspired by @pkel]
Should we have a document format for accord project smart legal contracts?
The idea would be to have a file e.g., `myAgreement.sdf` file which encapsulate everything of your …
like it was done for [P-521](https://github.com/RustCrypto/elliptic-curves/blob/master/p521/src/lib.rs) ?
Discord community member @evandrosaturnino created a chatbot that answers questions regarding tBTC, Keep and staking; it can be [viewed here](stakingkeep.com.br/en-us) and interacted with in the Disco…