At line 32 the broker IP address is wrong. It should be MySensors MQTT gateway IP adrress.
As mentioned in [this issue](https://github.com/mozilla-iot/gateway/issues/1809), it would be great if the user can select which property gets to take the 'center stage' spot in a device.
Moved from #1066.
I am using a [Moteino M0](https://lowpowerlab.com/guide/moteino/moteinom0/). A Moteino M0 uses a [ATSAMD21G18](https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/ATsamd21g18) processor. Whe…
Hi I am very interested in this project.
I come from currently using the Mysensors library with the RFM95 Lora on 433MHz.
I would like to support this project and try out with testing as soon as p…
If user pass invalid settings for WiFi, device will locked before `setup()` and never returns control to other code.
Some way to control over WiFi connection required. This may be at least a predef…
Do you have any explanation or reference for this formula?
As the myscontroller can be populated with information about what nodes exists in the system, the name of the sketch the node executes, the type of sensors the node contain, it is at least theoretical…
Do you have resource or reference for the formula which you use in this line?
I have the same problem as described here: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/59388
When sending multiple messages at the same time from HA to MySensors nodes I frequently experience som…
Components to upgrade:
1. UniGateway
2. JRE
3. MySensors Gateway
4. OS packages