Désolé mais je ne m'y connais pas en git/github. Si je veux déposer ma version locale du code de Vigenère par exemple dans un dossier sebastienhoarau/ à l'endroit ad-hoc comment dois-je fair…
I'll clean these up - mainly the design is so convoluted because I need them for SMP.
_Originally posted by @KYLChiu in https://github.com/KYLChiu/sporkfish/pull/97#discussion_r147348…
Still seeing a pretty significant playing strength asymmetry between black and white.
Two exact copies of the engine playing against each other results in White winning 66% of the time, consistently.…
E.g. test behaviour when `depth_reduction_factor = 0`
I dislike the code duplication between negamax and get_best_move, and also the inelegant way BIG_ENOUGH_VALUE was used
* Design a switching interface that allows switching between different searchers, e.g. searcher could be single process or use a different algorithm completely - could be inheritance or factory patte…
book negamaxは普通にDFSで良い気がしたのでDFSに戻す。多分スピードは出るはず(O(1e7)とかしかかからないので)
book negamax時、親の値を更新するのは子のレベルが親のレベル以上である場合のみとする。また、親のレベルはmax(親のレベル、子のうちnegamaxに寄与したノードのレベル)とすると良さそう。
Edax形式にbookを変換して、Edaxでbook negamaxをかけるとクラッシュするとの指摘をもらった
Hello @jerch,
I don't want to pollute your repos or other active discussion threads with my findings until I can come up with some practical optimization suggestions for your renderer. So I'll put …