Hi! Regarding the support of SetFit for token classification. There is any specific adaptations necessary for this task?
## How to reproduce the behaviour
I have use the following piece of code to convert json to spacy while validationg using spacy --debug i get whitespace error:
The current Tika pipeline keeps line break added by email servers in order to fit the `78/998` max line length RFC limit.
Ideally emails inside DS should display without these artificial line break.
After carefully reviewing the code logic in `src/eval/evaluate.py`, I noticed that in the following case: `pred: [("O", 0), ("O", 1), ("B-LOC", 2)]` and `gt: [("O", 0), ("O", 1), ("B-ORG", 2)]`, the c…
1. Run named entity recognition (https://gate.ac.uk/wiki/twitie.html, https://github.com/aritter/twitter_nlp )
2. Normalize all matches to _ner
3. Add name count
- [ ] WebApp-Profile-Task: Upprätta en design för sidan i mobilt läge enligt designmallen.
- [ ] WebApp-Profile-Task: Upprätta en design för sidan i surfplatta läge.
- [ ] WebApp-Profile-Ta…
I denna spike ska vi forska kring kraven på denna roll i systemet så vi kan bryta ner vår epic #509 till stories och tasks.
I'd like to use the framework to select items that contain named entities. In this case I'd like to "connect" spacy to Modal. The problem is that I get an error message saying that there is no…